
发布时间:2022-06-01 10:45:05   来源:作文大全    点击:   


[关键词] 紫苏叶挥发油;化学型;生源合成途径;药理作用

[收稿日期] 2015-03-10

[通信作者] *郭宝林,Tel: (010)57833172 , E-mail: guobaolin010@163.com

[作者简介] 魏长玲,研究生, Tel: (010)57833134, E-mail: lv_sinensis@163.com

Advances in research of volatile oil and its different chemotypes

in leaves of Perilla frutescens

WEI Chang-ling, GUO Bao-lin*

(Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100193, China)

[Abstract] The volatile oil is the main component in the leaves of Perilla frutescens. According to the main types of monoterpenoids or aromatic compounds, it can be divided into different chemotypes and the main chemotypes of Chinese producing Perilla are PA type (mainly containing Perilla aldehyde and limonene), PK type (mainly containing perillaketone) and PP type (subdivided as PP-a type, with apiole as its main component; PP-m type, with myristicin as its main component; PP-e type, with elemicin as main component; PP-as type, with asarone as main component). Based on the biosynthetic pathways analysis, we also found that the formation of the particular chemotype is usually controlled by a single gene or a few genes, and different types have different pharmacological effects. In this paper, the classification under the species P. frutescens, main chemotypes of the volatile oil, and their biogenesis and regulation, pharmacological effect and influence factors are summarized and reviewed.

[Key words] volatile oil in perilla leaves; chemotypes; biosynthesis; pharmacological action


紫苏Perilla  frutescens(L.)Britt.是唇形科一年生直立草本植物。药用始载于《名医别录》,在解表散寒,理气方面功效卓著,《本草纲目》记载:“紫苏,近世要药也。”《本草汇言》:“紫苏,散寒气,清肺气,宽中气,安胎气,下结气,化痰气,乃治气之神药也。” 现在紫苏药用按部位分为紫苏叶、紫苏梗和紫苏子,均为常用中药。其中紫苏叶为辛温解表药,具有解表散寒、行气和胃等功效,用于风寒感冒,咳嗽呕恶,妊娠呕吐,鱼蟹中毒。也常食用,用于食用香料、食物色素和作为蔬菜。紫苏叶可解鱼蟹之毒及其他食用用途,在日本和韩国十分盛行。紫苏叶是卫生部公布的药食同源植物,挥发油是紫苏叶中主要成分,紫苏叶挥发油(简称紫苏叶油)也可作为原料直接入药,如藿香正气系列产品以紫苏叶油为组方成分。紫苏叶油也用作香料和食物防腐剂。
